Secrets and Bonuses! Episode 1: L.A. Meltdown Level 1: Hollywood Holocaust Secret Areas (8 total) 1. After dropping down the vent to the street, jump onto the crate to your right, then to the building ledge, and finally to the ledge in front of the billboard. An RPG will rise up from the ground to greet you. 2. Jump on to the crate and then the building ledge again, then thru the center window on that wall and into the apartment. Technically, the area in front of the RPG ammo counts as the secret. 3. While in secret place #2, walk up to the large poster at the end of the hall and open it to reveal a stash of steroids. 4. Behind the theater snack counter, use the cash register to reveal a secret alcove near the ceiling on the wall to your right (on the other side of the counter). Walk up to the wall beneath the alcove and slide a little to your right. Click on the wall and a small platform will boost you up. 5. In the projector room, there is a secret door on the wall next to the fire extinguisher. This secret is also reachable from the bathroom by shooting a hole in the air vent over the stalls. You'll find some aliens, some shotgun ammo, and a cacooned woman. 6. Also in the projector room, jump on top of the projector to open a door concealing a secret area with a alien and an RPG. 7. After opening the curtain in the projector room, use an RPG or pipe bomb on the center of the movie screen to find some aliens, some more shotgun ammo, and a jetpack. 8. There's a secret area in the building behind the palm tree next to the theater's front entrance. Near the end of the level, you'll have to cross a small bridge, overlooking the back entrance to the movie theater. Before crossing, drop down to the ledge underneath the doorway leading to the bridge. Walk around the ledge to the front of the building, all the way to the palm tree. Jump on top of the tree and then through the window of the building. Inside you'll find a shotgun, an RPG, a chaingun, and some pipe bombs. If you have trouble jumping onto the palm tree, you could always use your jetpack to get inside the apartment. Bonus Areas * After finding Secret #3, go out one of the windows next to the poster and land on the ledge. On the far end of the ledge is a healing atom. This can also be reached from outside by jumping onto the no parking sign and and then to the ledge. * Jump on the garbage can outside the arcade entrance and then hit the space bar to open the hidden alcove above you. Jump in to the alcove to get some night vision goggles, some pipe bombs, and a small healing kit. * Inside the arcade, use the Duke Nukem II video game to hear a great one-liner and reveal a holoduke hidden in the wall just to the right of the game. * You'll need a jetpack to reach this bonus area. Starting in front of the movie theater's back doors, fly straight up. Eventually, you'll reach a small alcove guarded by two gun turrets on opposite walls. Destroy the two turrets, so you can reach the jetpack and two boxes of shotgun ammo safely. * Use a pipe bomb or RPG in the air shaft in the bathroom, where it makes a 90 degree turn. You'll find a small niche containing a Holoduke. Level 2: Red Light District Secret Areas (8 total) 1. In the main part of the bookstore, the middle bookcase along the wall conceals some pipe bombs and armor. 2. Jump on top of the bookcases behind the bookstore counter. In the corner opposite the security monitor, a secret door conceals a holoduke. 3. In the darkened corridor leading from the bookstore to the elevator, there's a small side passage to the right of the elevator. Inside you'll find an alien, a pig cop, and a healing atom. 4. The sewer area is accessible two different ways: o After reaching the yellow key card in the wreckage of the demolished building, use an RPG or pipe bomb to blow off the nearby sewer lid. o In the dance club bathroom, use the toilet (not a urinal). This will unlock a secret door behind it, which leads to the sewer area. Inside you'll find an octabrain, some pig cops, a cacooned woman, and many items. 5. As you enter dance floor through the garage door, there's a bench in the corner to your left. When you step on the bench, a secret door behind the two dancing girls on the opposite wall opens. You'll need to run to make it in time; you can repeat the sequence as many times as necessary to reach it. Inside is a chaingun and some ammo. 6. Blow open the air vent in the corner of the dance floor. Use the table to jump into the vent. It leads to backstage; along the way, you'll find a healing atom. 7. This ledge next to dance floor curtain controls holds a pair of night vision goggles. Jump to it from the ledge leading to the dance club's attic from the stage. 8. In the dance club's attic, there's a lit section of the wall next to the two crates. Open it to reveal a med kit. Bonus Areas * Outside, near the start, go toward the "bar" building and jump onto the slanted part and then onto the ledge to the left to find some ammo and health. * In the bookstore's bathroom, use the hand drying machine to open a niche in the wall between the the hand dryer and the toilet stall. Inside you'll find a pair of night vision goggles. * In the peep show cabin area, there is something good to get in all of the cabins. Also, you can blow a hole at the end of the hall. Level 3: Death Row Secret Areas (10 total) 1. After lowering the electric chair with the switch in the control room, crawl into the area behind the chair to find a shotgun and some ammo. 2. In the church, stand along the back wall, and face the altar. You should see a switch above the altar; shoot it and a platform will raise you into the rafters. You'll find some armor and a dead monk hanging from the ceiling. Shoot the monk for a healing atom. 3. Shoot out both stain glass windows. Use the altar itself to open a door to a passage behind the altar. Back there, you'll find an octabrain, a chaingun, and a "DOOMed space marine" :-) 4. In the jail cell with the toilet, use the bench to open a crawlspace. You'll find some RPG ammo inside. 5. In the turret area, there are small ledges on either side of the locked door. Hop on one the ledges, and then on to turret's level. You should see another ledge on the side of the wall above the locked door. Hop on this ledge and walk through the to find some healing atoms. 6. In the turret area, above where you pick up the red key, there's a weak spot in the wall. You'll need to hop to the turret's level, as mentioned in secret #5, to be able to jump in. Shoot the weak spot to reveal some steroids and another weak spot. Shoot it to open to reveal a back way into cell block 1. 7. After opening the map outside the room with the hologram head, a niche with some pipe bombs will open up and to your left. 8. Another niche opens above an to the right of the map, containing a healing atom. 9. Inside the sub, there's a hidden door on the wall behind the crate. Inside you'll find the ship's reactor and a Med kit. 10. By the door leading between the sub and the turret area, you'll find a switch on a ledge to unlock the door. Hop up on the ledge, crawl, and hit the space bar to open a small niche containing night vision goggles. Bonus Areas * In the room where people sit and witness an execution, there is a different color wall which opens to reveal a holoduke. * In the room with the rotating gears, jump onto the shorter one and then onto the ledge to the right for some health. Also, you can find a secret wall on the ledge that opens to reveal night vision goggles. * In the central control room with the hologram in the center and the switch that rotates the room, there is a vent you can shoot out and crawl into to find some armor. If you keep going, you'll fall back to corridor close to the rotating gears (the fall will cause a little damage). * At the end of one of the cell block halls, there are some explosive bottles. Blow them up to reveal some health and a path back to the cell with the bed. Level 4: Toxic Dump Secret Areas (14 total) 1. If you walk thru the fire burning on top of the sub, it opens a secret niche inside the sub, near the top. 2. Underwater near the sub, there's a cave with two octabrains. You'll see some light coming thru an opening in the cave wall. Blow open the cave wall, and follow the tunnel up to some pipe bombs and more octabrains. Swim upwards and climb out of the water into a small cave with some barrels and a cacooned women. This area is the actual secret. Blow away the wall behind the barrels to get out. 3. From the ledge where you get the blue key, destroy gun turret to your left and right. Then run and jump into both of these small caves where the turrets were. In the left cave (facing the sub), there are two secret doors, and the actual secret is behind a secret wall inside the right cave, where you'll find some RPG ammo. 4. After coming thru the blue key door from outside, a wall on the right, near the bend in the hallway, can be opened. Inside you'll find an elevator leading to the room full of aliens you could see from outside. You'll also find a chaingun. 5. In the processing area, the conveyor will take you past a small slime pit. Crawl off the conveyor into the slime and open the leftmost wall. You'll find some chaingun ammo. 6. In the computer room near the top of the conveyor system, use the blue circuit box next to the leftmost cylinder. This will open both cylinders. Jumping up in the left cylinder will get you some healing atoms. 7. In the flood area, there is a slanted platform with two "fingers" of land. Run and jump off the edge of one of them and into a darkened cave. Go to the back and hop on the small ledge to get some items. Night vision goggles may be helpful here if you have trouble. 8. Rock Wall, part 1: After jumping off one of the "fingers" (mentioned in #7) and into the main platform, blow away the crack in the wall to find a small cave and an alien. 9. Rock Wall, part 2: Blow up the wall of this small cave to find a healing atom and enlarge the cave. 10. Rock Wall, part 3: Blow the last wall of this cave to open a shortcut back to the sub area. 11. In the control room with the big door, between the security monitor and the orange cylinder (and to the right of the switch that raises and lowers the water level), there is a secret door and crawlspace that will reveal some ammo and scuba gear. 12. After going through the double doors and then through the rotating gears, there is an initial water lake pouring into a tunnel. On the right side of this tunnel, there is a crack in the wall. Blow it up, and go through the teleporter to get to the secret area, where you'll find some aliens and RPG ammo. 13. At the beginning of the slime river there is a fan on the wall. Shoot it out, and then jump onto the ledge to the right and into the tunnel to find more health. 14. Hug the left wall during the rapids area of the sewer. You should catch on a small outcropping in the wall right before the end of the river. Blow open the wall to reveal some aliens, some ammo, and the secret switch to take you to level 6! Bonus Areas * Under water, in the flooded area, you can blow up one of the walls in the center to reveal some goodies. Level 6: Launch Facility Secret Areas (4 total) 1. After obtaining the blue key in the room with the two force fields, go back to the room with the small slime pond. The grate in the bottom of the pond should now be open. Swim through to a small area containing various ammo and powerups. 2. In the large pillared room, there is a fan in the ceiling above the ramp. Blow out the fan and use a jetpack to reach the hidden items. 3. In the control room near the large bay doors, a section of the wall opens to reveal armor. 4. After you've launched the rocket and gone underground, you'll come to a room with lots of computer monitors. One opens to reveal some healing atoms. Level 5: The Abyss Secret Areas (6 total) 1. In the large room facing the fire pit area, a wall to the left has a secret door concealing some steroids. 2. In the fire pit area, jump into the fire to be teleported to the locked room by the rope bridge. You'll find some healing atoms on a ledge. Stepping onto that ledge causes some bad guys to teleport in. 3. In the same room as secret #2, jump up to the ledge with the RPG ammo on it. 4. After climbing up along the lava falls to the top, shoot the weak spot in the wall. It opens a long passage with a variety of ammo on the ground. The area near the far end of the passage is the actual secret. 5. Pressing the switch at the top of the lava falls opens the passageway leading to the secret. Follow it to a cave with a large fire, some healing atoms, and a dancing girl! You can tell Duke likes what he sees. :-) 6. On the wall to the right outside the entrance to the spaceship, you'll find a secret door leading to a small plateau and a healing atom. Bonus Areas * After you go thru the the blue key door, there is a dark area to the left. If you use the night vision goggles, you can see "Go with the flow" written on the wall. * After going up the winding stairs into the "chanting caves," you'll come to a landing with a window the outside. There is some health and armor on the ledge. * From this area, go down to the small spring waterfall. You can jump into it and walk behind it where you'll find a chaingun. * In the ceremonial fire room, you can press both of the hands on the wall. A door opens, revealing an RPG. * From this area, you can jump onto another alcove where you'll get a pair of night vision goggles. * From the beginning of the lava area, go to the right (towards the side with the shrink ray), and use the jetpack to fly into the shrinkray cave. On the wall you'll see the message, "You are not supposed to be here." Episode 2: Lunar Apocalypse Level 1 : The Spaceport Secret areas (6 Total) 1. Check the column of broken screens in the room with lots of monitors showing the Earth and Moon. 2. Walk to the monitor in the dead end near starting point, a niche will open to your back. 3. Jump into the vent in the room with a blue key. 4. Solve puzzle with 4 switches by turning the third switch from left. Enter door and go down through the elevator. 5. In the central column area on second floor, fly and pick up the atomic health near the ceiling, you'll hear a door opened. Now quickly jump down through the column, go back to the first floor, and look for an opened door at a corner. 6. Fly up from central column. Level 2: The Incubator Secret Areas (5 total) 1. In the opposite direction of the yellow switch, open up the little niche, get into it and search the inside wall again. 2. See the line over. 3. Jump into the Earth Defense emblem. 4. Search for a door left of the rising console in the lower dark area. 5. Open a panel in the upper dark area. Level 3 : Warp Factor Secrets areas (2 total) 1. After the entering the yellow door, find a niche with steroid in it, look up and shoot the switch. Quickly run to the other side of the room and enter the now lowered column. Welcome to the Bridge of Starship Enterprise! :) 2. Operate "Picard's console" for yet another little surprise. Level 4 : Fusion Station Secret Areas (7 total) 1. In the squishing lightning columns area, search the wall facing the columns on the other side of the entrance. 2. Turn left from the secret area described above and fly up for another secret. 3. Get down one of the lightning columns and search the wall facing the narrow tunnel. 4. In the rotating water driven motor area, walk in front of the monitor. You'll then hear a door open, quickly rush across the water to the other side of the room, a secret room is opened. 5. On the third level in the central complex, enter the left room upon entrance. Search the column at a corner. 6. On the third level in the central complex, enter the double door and fly up to the ledge, there is a crack in the cave to your right. 7. On the same ledge, go to the secret place to your left. Level 5 : Occupied Territory Secret areas (4 total) 1. After opening the huge gate near the emblem, crouch and walk into the gate's right end. 2. After you walk deep into the moonlight corridor, a door will open near the entrance. 3. In same moonlight corridor, there are two vents facing the holoduke box. 4. In the red door room, go straight ahead and check the lower right monitor. Level 6 : Tiberius Station Secret Areas (8 total) 1. Get into the armory, there is another small door directly ahead of you. 2. Bomb a crack after you enter the door with a Tiberius Station sign. 3. Enter an invisible wall opposite the drinking fountain in the dark corridor with 2 elevators. 4. Search the wall beside the door with a Danger: Radioactive Material sign. 5. In the toxin pool, float on top of the toxin and swim to your left, search the wall for a room. 6. Do the above to the right wall. 7. Bomb another crack after the elevator near the toxin pool. 8. After killing the mini boss in the red key room, turn left and get into the vent. Quickly move toward the other end of vent and fly into the now opened door. Level 7 : Lunar Reactor Secret Areas (7 total) 1. After dropping through the vent in Crew Quarters, hit the switch and quickly run to the right niche. Now search for a secret room in a corner in the toxin pool. 2. In the open area where a turret is shooting at you, turn to your left and search the panel. 3. In the same open area, there is a cave straight below the turret. Jump into it and May The Force Be With You. 4. Shoot the hanging vent and jump on top of it, there is a cave to your right. 5. Follow the yellow turbine to where the red card is, search the panel to the right of the card. 6. Jump into the room to the left of the reactor. 7. Jump into the room to the right in the same area. Level 8 : Darkside Secret Areas (7 total) 1. Check the map in the central room overseeing the Alpha and Beta signs. 2. Bomb a crack in the Alpha train waiting area. 3. After passing the collapsing cave in Alpha, go through the door and enter the area to your right. Check the wall to the right of the tubes. You can do the above to the left area also. 4. In the train waiting area after the blue key elevator in Gamma Transport, check the map for a niche. 5. In Gamma, enter the vent after the elevator. Follow the tunnel and enter the room to your left. Bomb a crack high up. 6. In the Beta train waiting area, fly up through a vent. 7. After jumping out of the monolith, turn to your left and bomb the crack. The passage will lead you to the secret area "Lunatic Fringe". Level 9 - Overlord Secret Areas (4 total) 1. After you swim out of the beginning passage, swim up to the water surface and search for an invisible wall nearby. 2. Jump to the central lightning column after it comes down, quickly rush to a now opened column by the side of the water. 3. Bomb a crack mid way up a path near the waterfall after killing the mini boss. 4. While you're fighting the boss, quickly slip into his control room, a wall facing the huge door will now open. Level 10 : SpinCycle Secret Areas (0 total) Level 11 - Lunatic Fringe Secret Areas (0 total) Episode 3: Shrapnel City Level 1 : Raw Meat Secret Areas (7 total) 1. After you enter the Japanese restaurant, jump into the invisible wall beside the first ceramic doll. 2. Search the Exotic girl poster. 3. Blow up the crack in the last room down the corridor. 4. Search the price list left of the BAR flourescent light. 5. In the sushi bar area, touch the bloody handprint and a room around the corner will open. 6. Opposite of the bloody handprint, open the ground cupboard. Crouch and walk into it, turn to your left search the wall. 7. In the kitchen, search the cupboard next to the entrance door. Level 2 : Bank Roll Secret Areas (5 total) 1. Open the ATM machine in front of the bank. 2. In the blue key area, click the button behind the desk, the painting in the room will open. 3. Just after you enter the bank, turn right and look up the wall, shoot the button and the telephone will open behind you. 4. Outside the secured area, search the painting behind the desk. 5. Get into the Gamma turbine, blow up the red colored crack in a corner. Level 3 : Flood Zone Secret Ares (5 total) 1. Shoot the vines underwater near the waterfall, enter the cave and swim up. 2. On the platform with the blue key, jump into the invisible wall to your left. 3. After exiting the yellow door, turn right and jump up to the small cave, search the wall at the end. 4. Fly up to the end of the building facing the Alley Cat Lounge sign, check the last window to your right. 5. Push the yellow Hard Hat Area sign inside red door, a crate will open around the left corner. Level 4 : L.A. Rumble Secret Areas (3 total) 1. Bomb the crack to your right after you leave the sewer in the beginning. 2. In the kitchen area with a blue key, check the cupboard "under the knife". 3. In the CEO room, check the painting to the right of the red key. Level 5 : Movie Set Secret Areas (4 total) 1. Push the register in the beginning area, rush to the snack vending machine near the blue key. 2. Jump into the Earth screen facing the spaceship set. 3. Search the stack of boxes facing the Stage 17B sign. 4. Jump into the Duke Nukem poster in the open area. * Push the USA sign near the yellow key. It'll open up the room to the secret level "Tier Drops". Level 6 : Rabid Transit Secret Areas (6 total) 1. At the first station, search the Lunar Apocalypse poster. 2. Jump onto the left condom vending machine facing the train. 3. While you're walking on the track toward the second station, blow up a crack to the right of the box with a Devastator. 4. At the second station, search the "No Loitering" sign on top of a mailbox. 5. Search the wall in the dark area beside the mailbox. 6. Lower the left shelf in the red door room by jumping from the top of the left shelf to the right one. Level 7 : Fahrenheit Secret Ares (4 total) 1. In the house near the "Guilty" sign, search the painting. 2. Blast all the bottles in the same area and jump into the shelf. 3. Rush into the invisible curtain in KTIT broadcasting station. 4. Open the door in the monitors area in KTIT. It's a secret place but the red key is in there also. Level 8 : Hotel Hell Secret Areas (3 total) 1. Search the wooden wall on the 2nd floor bar. 2. In the same area, search the wine cupboard. 3. Rush into the fountain near the swimming pool. You'll then be teleported to a jungle. Touch the bloody handprint and go meet Doctor Jones! * The entrace to the secret level "Freeway" is in the above jungle area also. Level 9 : Stadium Secret Areas (0 total) Shoot the Duf Beer air balloon for lotsa goodies! Level 10 - Tier Drops Secret Areas (4 total) 1. Open the walls between the smaller niches in Alpha area. 2. Open the walls between the smaller niches in Beta area. 3. Open the walls between the smaller niches in Gamma area. 4. Open the walls between the smaller niches in Delta area. Level 11 : Freeway Secret Areas (5 total) 1. Go to the right end of the freeway (relative to your starting position), jump up to the left ledge and search the leftmost window. 2. On the "upper" freeway, search the window opposite the blue key console. 3. Blow up the crack near the blue key. 4. Search the shelf near the blue key. 5. In the conveyor belt building, jump into the yellow and black strip sign facing the Terminator.